Daniel Tours America
Opa (21st Jun 2008) |
June 20 & 21 |
Heartily agree with your opinion of Grand Teton; Oma & I spent a night in a hostel at Jackson Hole and had a delightful walk along the lakeside. Oma appreciated yor pic and remarks about her café! It's good to see & hear you the movie, also excellent shots and sounds of Old Faithful. 680 miles is a hell of a lot for one day. The most O & I ever managed was just over 400 and felt that was quite enough, particularly as we were just about out of "gas" at the end, not having seen a filling station for miles. |
Laura (15th Jun 2008) |
Microsoft, pah! |
For your own safety, you are advised not to wear that Microsoft t-shirt in my presence. |
Mum (13th Jun 2008) |
Movies |
I love your movies, especially hearing you give the commentary. We will be seeing your on the BBC soon, as Michael Palin's successor. Well done, I particularly liked Sunset over the Pacific. We also liked Seattle, it felt quite homely. Enjoy Vancouver. I hope your trainers have dried out after the snowy hike. |
Opa (13th Jun 2008) |
Seattle |
One of our favourite cities too. We first saw it at the end of our long US tour arriving from friends in Vancouver by ferry, stayed at the airport Holiday Inn before flying home.On the way up to Vancouver we visited Mt St Helens. Such a shame you didn't get to see Mt Rainier; we were lucky enough to see it when we stayed with Al & Dolores some years later. We also sampled Starbucks, somewhat belwirdered by the series choices available. Fishmarket is great fun. During that stay we went to Mt Olympus and were incredibly lucky thet it was a day on which visibility is 100% and on could see Whistler. We also found that part of Washington on the damp side, but only a few miles east one is in near desert. You're certainly making good use of the new camera with time-lapse and movies as well as 1st class still shots. Keep up the good work! |
McM (10th Jun 2008) |
Re: DC Crime Spree |
DC: Sorry to hear you've been pinched again. They have a special place in the State Pen for repeat offenders, I hear! As for your ticket, even our politicians are not immune: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/186938_gore19.aspx The State of Oregon is quite liberal in terms of public service, you can retain a lawyer for $35* if you don't want to appear yourself at your hearing. I'm sure they'd advise you to pay the fine, unless you can infer that the police officer wasn't paying attention (did he get the license of the other "witness" who saw you?) How could he see that you didn't have your seatbelt on when you did? Shocking! In any event, here's the State Bar website if you want to chat with somebody: http://www.osbar.org/public/ris/ris.aspx#referral You could also ask the city for the statistics about that intersection (maybe there deserves to be a "NO LEFT TURN" sign there, and the police have been using that as a cash cow for years?). All sorts of ways to dodge a ticket. If the officer doesn't appear on your day in court, it gets thrown out. If celebrities can avoid significant jail time for nearly killing somebody on the highway (racing), then DC should be able to get out of a ticket in OR. The essential element in your cited case is 811.350(c), "does not yield the right of way" and "unnecesary hazard". The reaction of the driver ahead of you would be key in determining this; if they slammed on the brakes or flipped you off this might support the police's opinion. If you were in the intersection already you'd have the right of way. If the car approaching you had come from a stoplight or sign they'd be accelerating, not nearly hazardous as decelerating from highway speeds. The lesser offences about turns don't include any right-of-way elements, so they don't apply to your situation (and they're probably a lot cheaper). Just think of it as your Mum says as two really good bottles of wine you didn't drink. As long as you stay out of Oregon and don't get pinched again you shouldn't have any driving issues. Lucky there are 57 states (grin). Of course you could always advise your police friends in the UK to always deal harshly with US citizens with OR licenses, that might balance your karma a little. My friends on our recent trip to the UK were completely put off by the left-lane thing, we taxied everywhere. |
Opa (10th Jun 2008) |
Pics |
We do so enjoy your wonderfully varied,Dan. One that particularly attracted me was "Sunset at hostel Redwood NP". Most sunset photos are strong in red colours, but this one is very nearly monochrome and all the more impressive for that. Congratulations on seeing this opportunity; I think it would win a prize for composition and content in any Camera Club competition. |
Tino (9th Jun 2008) |
Really??? |
After 2 Years in the U.S. and your Physics degree from Imperial (Is that like the Univ. Of Phoenix of the U.K.??) you still don't know what 25F is? Really??? LOL, I am getting much enjoyment out of your travels, can't stress enough how badly I'd rather be making fun of you in person rather than by Blog... |
Mum (9th Jun 2008) |
Oregon |
Oregon definitely looks my sort of place-beautiful scenery, mountains, trees and water. If you like this then you will love the Rockies. Your photos are excellent and so varied. All the interesting things that catch your eye you capture on film. The moss dripping from the trees looked like the Olympic National Park in Washington, do you remember? How many bottles of $150 wine did you buy to bring home??? |
Miss Laura (9th Jun 2008) |
Sun and Oregon |
Thanks for the pic of the SUN sign ![]() Oregon looks amazing. Will you get to go to Astoria? I always wanted to go there since I saw the town in The Goonies!! I am very cultured ![]() |
Amanda (9th Jun 2008) |
Salt Water Taffy |
I love salt water taffy - white with red edges is mint, i think but stay away from the cinnamon ones...yuck! |