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Daniel Tours America
Opa (28th Jun 2008)
One of my favourite cities too Dan. I wonder if the sugar refinery (which I visited many times) is still there. It was alongside the river not far from the Tribune and Wrigley buildings. Used to stay at the Marriott, within sight and easy walking distance of the refinery. I think these 2 may well feature in one of your photos. The Sears tower certainly gives fantastic views over the city.Re World Dryer, you certainly have the knack of reaching the parts other beers do not!
Amanda (28th Jun 2008)
Peyton Manning
If you see Peyton - give him my number!!!!!
Tino (27th Jun 2008)
Cubs Game
You have to go to a Cubs Game, Wrigley field is a Landmark that needs to be seen, I hope you see this before you leave Chicago... oh, & Lou Malnatti's best Deep Dish Pizza in Chicago...
Laura (25th Jun 2008)
Oh Tino! Are you not forgetting someone???
J-LO (25th Jun 2008)
Cleveland, OH
When will you be up in Cleveland, OH?..I will be driving up there the night of July 2nd and arriving early morning July 3rd and departing there the night of July 6th to be back in Atlanta early morning July 7th..Maybe we will get a chance to see you there if you still happen to be there when we arrive..let me know and talk to you soon!
Tino (25th Jun 2008)
Other than me, you're probably the only person I know that would have the gall to go to the U.S. Capital of Cheese and clue them to the fact that they're signature cheese is crap and oh by the way it was originally done "Better" somewhere else... Brilliant!!! No wonder it fell on deaf ears, you're lucky that they didn't Cheese you to death!!!
Tino (24th Jun 2008)
Superman & Such...
Superman grew up in Smallville Kansas...
Dude, you drove through Iowa and you didn't go see the farm where they filmed Field of Dreams??? What's up with that???
Mum (23rd Jun 2008)
Take care whilst cycling after several beers that you do not have another close encounter with the law - drunk in charge of a bike!!!!
Did Superman grow up on a farm in Iowa?
I loved the video of Yellowstone Sounds. Amazing how each geothermal feature makes a different noise. I will use that snippet next time I teach about the Earth's crust.
Take care on 4 wheels and on 2. x x x
Raychel (23rd Jun 2008)
Wonderful Photos
Dan: Thought I'd better check your website to ensure that you are still alive and kicking! You appear to be having a most delightful time with your adventure. The photos of YNP are so vivid, great shots. Looking forward to reading more and then eventually, seeing you back in good ol' Atlanta before your final departure. Best wishes.
Suzanne (23rd Jun 2008)
I was tootling along a duel carriageway at 75mph yesterday when i braked hard to enter a petrol station cos i'd spied that the fuel was at a bargain price of 116.9p per litre...

i thought of you and your sub-$4 per gallon...