Daniel Tours America (c)DanielClarke.com Daniel Tours America - http://America.DanielClarke.com
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Daniel Tours America
Laura (8th Jun 2008)
Definitely do not plan to drive into NY, it is not a car friendly city at all, a lot worse than SF. You would be better off leaving your car outside the city and getting a bus to the Port Authority terminal. Check out; http://www.ny.com/transportation/port_authority.aspx
You can get around NY easily using the subway.
Tino (5th Jun 2008)
Parking Tickets...
I'm an expert on all things, Driving/Parking and general avoidance of Law Enforcement... I don't want to belittle anyone but if you think that the US GOVT has the ability to link Parking Tickets in SF, to Border Patrol Entry & Departure records, well then I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn that will look good in your portfolio... Dude, you paid the $280.00 to get the car back, Fuck the ticket for now... Don't you think if it was that important that you paid the ticket that the SFPD would have demanded payment of said ticket before the release of the car??? Keep trucking and from now on Google Parking do's and don'ts before you pull into a big city, I hear Seattle, Chicago & NY are similar nightmare scenarios as SF is... youy are better off investing in Overnight Garages that Range from $20.00 to $60.00 rather than risking more tows... lol...
Laura (5th Jun 2008)
Past SUN........
I am disappointed you did not take a picture with the SUN sign!!
Mum (5th Jun 2008)
I agree with Opa that it is not worth taking the risk, so pay the fine and grin and bare it.You may no longer be at 802 Berkeley, but 'they' have ways of tracking you and catching up with you.
I loved the photo of the sea lion in a Jaffa pose.
Did you bump into Clint Eastwood in Carmel. He was Mayor for a time, but I don't know if he still lives there.
The scenery along Route 1 looks just like the Med coast, doesn't it?Rocky bays, similar vegetation, palette of blues on the sea.
You bushy beard is giving you the appearance of a true explorer, and what a beach bum you looked, wrapped up in your sleeping bag.
If having a fine and your car towed away is the worst that happens then you are fortunate indeed.
Take care.
Opa (5th Jun 2008)
Parking ticket
My advice would be to pay the $75 as non payment could well follow you right up to the time you are at the airport leaving for the UK. If you were leaving today it might be worth the risk, but as you have several weeks of travel left there is plenty of time for your criminal record to get into the system. As ever fascinated by your escapades, but the maths behind the Babbage machine is somewhat beyond me these days!
Amanda (4th Jun 2008)
Great dinner
Hey Dan,

If you're still in SF then check out Lefty O'Doull's. It's an irish bac come polish cafe. The food is very cheap and very good. My sister and I discovered it when we toured CA a few years ago. We arrived during the June gloom, it was cold, rainy and not what we were expecting. A meal at Lefty's really cheered us up - better than Mum's cooking!!!
take care
Suzanne (4th Jun 2008)
Tut tut
Daniel, whilst admiring your amazing photographs and regularly getting obscenely jealous reading your blog, I was, I'm afraid, mildly disgusted to find that you've obviously been in America for far too long. Come home immediately before any more American spellings inveigle their way into your vocabulary!!!
Love ya xxx
Tino (3rd Jun 2008)
Just realized that you were posting movies... I think that's brilliant, you should do 1 a day... Looks like a great time... Wish I was there...
Laura (3rd Jun 2008)
Dan, how drunk were you when you did your report on the toilet? hilarious
Glad you like Route 1, Monteray and Carmel.
If you get time on your way to SF then stop at Standford University in Palo Alto (Silicon Valley)!!
Take care xx
McM (1st Jun 2008)
Re: Tree

You'll find the drive-thru tree (the correct way) north of San Francisco, there are a number of them cut through redwoods. I'm sure it was done years and years ago, that wouldn't be allowed these days. Some even charge admission. Geez!

Note from Norcross: One of our condo units caught fire on Saturday, some kids smoking, we think. Minor damage. The fire department took 4 minutes to get here, I was told. I didn't hear the sirens, they turned them off when they turned onto our street. Hmmmmm....