Cambridge is a town in the greater Boston area, famous for being the home of Harvard and MIT. I spent my morning here.
I took the MTA, Boston`s pretty decent metro service, using a "Charlie ticket". Charlie is a character in a song who gets stuck on the train because he cannot pay the fare, and the MTA named a type of ticket after him. Listen to the song, which I actually heard on the radio as I drove towards Boston, which mentions Jamaica Plain where I sit as I write.
Harvard is the world`s number one university, and sits in the middle of Cambridge in a very urban campus. The red brick buildings mix well with the non-uni buildings, all of them surrounding greens and trees.
The uni was empty of undergrads but there were plenty of graduate students and tourists. However there was not very much of an academic vibe, meaning it did not feel like a university, perhaps because of the open-plan campus. It felt more like a town.
I enjoyed their museum of scientific instruments, which ranged from old sextants to the control panel from a 1980s cyclotron experiment.
I walked all the way down Massachusetts Avenue ("Mass Ave") to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. This is the world`s number 10 university, but feels far more like a uni than Harvard. This is probably helped because it sits mainly in its own huge campus, and the white buildings do not blend with the houses. I attended an introductory lecture and spent my time trying to work-out the guy`s teeshirt. It wasn`t quite an equation as there was no equality symbol, but I recognised all the elements. Upon substituting for the more well-know configurations I was pleasantly amused at the result, and at that point left the lecture satisfied Very geeky :)
From MIT I crossed back into Boston and walked up the grand Commonwealth Avenue, a 240-foot wide boulevard with a long think mall (park) in the middle. Very nice. This brought me to Boston Common, the central park, from where I looped thought the Financial District. This was very much like every other FD in the world, and I could have skipped it.
Finally I met Eve in town and we went to an open-air screening of Friday the 13th, a classic horror movie, in the back yard of her local video rental store. The event was sponsored by a local brewery so the beer flowed freely.
The MTA by The Kingston Trio
Now let me tell you of the story of a man named Charlie