After a filling brunch out with Megan I hit the road to Michigan. The drive was uneventful.
Upon arriving in Detroit, I was about 10 minutes away from checking into a cheap motel when I received a call from a couchsurfer offering me a place. Perfect timing.
I ended up staying at the riverside bachelor pad of a 50s lawyer. The condo was amazing, all glass, brushed steel and slate, with a view over the river to Canada. Pretty stunning.
In the evening my new friend took me on a tour of the city and for a bite to eat in a veggie restaurant (where one could also get a massage and top-up one`s spirituality). After this we went to a bar for some drinks in the centre of the city. We were the only white people in the joint, and the only ones not roaring with laugher at the "comedians".
My host is a pot lawyer. That is, he helps people who have been busted for pot-related charges. He is also a huge campaigner for the legalisation of medical pot in MI, and while showing me his law offices downtown I saw a (-n empty) tin of government-issued cigarettes: 300 government-rolled joints, a month`s supply. Wow.