I left Chicago feeling awful, hardly able to keep my eyes open through tiredness, and headed south over yet more bloody toll booths towards Indianapolis. On the way I had to pull over by the side of the freeway and curl up under a bush for an hour to snooze.
I arrived at my host`s house in Indianapolis in the middle of a house party. Her friends were all very cool, and we chatted and danced til about midnight when I had to turn in, leaving them to keep swinging for hours.
One thing I will sorely miss in America is the following. Walking into a room and not being noticed, until I start to speak and then suddenly every head turns to look and listen. It`s noticeable out of the corner of my eye how the heads turn in my direction, but becomes even more marked when I am made the centre of conversation and attention through my witty banter and fascinating narratives. Having a sweet accent is one thing, but being an international man of mystery, in the middle of a tour that my fellow guests would never dare take, makes me really stand out. It`s a great feeling and I will miss it.