It would appear that Colin was right. The women here in Wisconsin are incredibly good looking.
Madison is the capital city of the state and a university town, situated between several large lakes so that it feels like it`s on an island. It`s cool without being scruffy, liberal without being krusty, and young without being immature.
After a huge cooked breakfast from my hosts Ralph and Alma I strolled into town along the narrow strip of land between the lakes, reaching the State Capitol just in time for a tour. The building was much the same as most other capitols, but was still good to see from the inside. It`s particularly ornate, with an awful lot of imported marble and gold leaf (to stop it burning like the previous one did).
I then walked up and down the main street, State Street, toward the university, stopping in a museum on the way. My lunch was some cheese from one of the many local dairies. I tried to protest that this orange cheddar should not be considered Wisconsin`s typical cheese, since real cheddar is white and is matured in Cheddar, UK, but it fell on deaf ears.