Yellowstone is far too crowded, and it`s not even the peak of the season yet. It took me an hour and a half to get from the entrance to Canyon Village today, due mostly to the crappy traffic management they have here.
My day was to be split between the upper loop of the park, which I did not see yesterday, and Grand Teton. In the end the sheer size of YNP and the endless bear-jams meant it was 5pm by the time I`d done just the Yellowstone parts. I will have to rise early tomorrow for the Tetons. In fact, in these two days I have driven 260 miles just around the inside of the park!
Today I saw a very different half of the park, whose features were reminiscent of Bryce, complete with hoodoos. The major geothermal attraction on the North side is the Mammoth terraces, a series of hot spring up a hill that flow out over self-made terraces of coloured rock and cemented ash.
I also saw a final basin and some waterfalls.
That`s about it for today. I there have a spare moment to mention Canadian radio. Up in the Olympic peninsula I was close to Victoria, BC, and could receive CBC One. This is like the US`s NPR only better - their current affairs span the globe, not just the US. It was nice to hear "aboot what`s goon on ootside" North America. I even heard an advert for a Mark Atkinson Trio concert :)